What is Family Faith Foundations?

Foundations at a Glance

We offer a variety of learning opportunities designed to encourage, resource, and equip you in your incredibly important role as the primary influencers and disciplers of your children. Our hope is that in addition to receiving some parenting tools, you will also find this an opportunity to build supportive relationships with others at a similar stage of life. Some of these sessions are designed to facilitate a shared meaningful experience for parents and their child(ren) together. We hope that learning together will help spark and enhance the faith conversations and practices you have at home.

If you would are interested in any of these Family Faith Foundation programs, please contact Pastor Lyn at lyn@emmanuelchurch.life.  We also encourage you to visit our Family Resource Centre in the foyer by the check-in for library resources and news. 

FOUNDATION #1 – Child Dedication
Dedication is a beautiful first step in building your family on a faith foundation and we want to be intentional about coming alongside you as you begin that journey. Here is our intention for the class:

  • To talk about the biblical basis for dedication as a preparation before the date of your dedication service.
  • To help families ‘begin with the end in mind’. Like marriage, it’s not the event that makes us, it is the effort along the journey that follows the event, and therefore we want to resource you for what lay ahead as you seek to build a faith legacy in your family.
  • To express our commitment to partner with parents and present a vision of how we do that at Emmanuel.

This class is open to anyone who has an infant, child, or multiple children who have never been formally dedicated to the Lord and offered 2-3 times each year.

FOUNDATION #2 – Early Elementary (Toddler to Gr. 2)
Encouraging and equipping parents as they seek to live out those commitments made at the Child Dedication ceremony. These tools will help parents be intentional during these early years, to lay a foundation for faith, character, and healthy self-image.
Instilling a Blessing: Learn about the impact communicating an intentional blessing can have on your child, for a lifetime. We will also give you tools to write a blessing for your child.
Boundaries: The Art of Setting Limits - Do you ever find yourself in a power struggle with your child? Do your children ever “push your buttons”? Do you find it difficult to know what is a reasonable discipline for defiant behaviour? This seminar will identify principles that can help you learn how to avoid power struggles and be consistent in your discipline methods, without promoting a one-size-fits-all discipline model.
Rhythms of Life:   Bringing faith into everyday life & struggles.
Family Celebrations:   In this session we will focus on how to make every holiday through the year Christ-centred.

FOUNDATION #3 – Mid-Elementary (Gr. 3 – Gr. 5)
Smart $, Smart Kids: Will provide a practical understanding of what God says about money and how He desires us to be good caretakers of all that He has entrusted to us.
Living as a Family on Mission with Jesus: Helping kids & families consider how living a Jesus-shaped life can provide them with a shared purpose and mission beyond just the pleasures and pressures of daily life.
The Shift: Parenting Your Tween: This class is taught annually in conjunction with the Grade 5 sleepover event, the first weekend in June.

FOUNDATION #4 – Upper Elementary (Gr. 5 – Gr. 7)
These will be offered for parents and kids to attend together.
Starting Point: Why follow Jesus? Helping kids understand what it means to be made in the image of God, what Jesus life, death and resurrection accomplished, and what this all means for our everyday lives.
Baptism: Addresses why people get baptized, what it means, and what to do when you are ready to take this next step.
How to Study Your Bible:  A 4-week series that will lay a solid foundation to help your family know how to engage the different parts of the Bible and apply its principles to everyday life – a skill that will stick with your kids for a lifetime!
Treasured: This 6-session, faith-based study is designed for small groups of moms and daughters, to help them connect and talk about topics critical to the preteen years: identity, body, emotions, friendships, technology, and faith.
Level Up: This 4-session study will help boys ages 10-13 navigate the following important questions alongside their dads and/or other father figures in their lives: Who am I? Who are my friends? What do I feel? And what is faith?

FOUNDATION #5 – Parenting Adolescents (Gr. 8 – 10)
Biannually workshops will be provided that will address topics related to kids and culture and mental health concerns.

FOUNDATION #6 – Preparing to Launch (Gr. 11-12)
In addition to the biannual topical and culturally relevant workshops, a class will be offered on the “The 4 th C of Parenting” as you and your child both prepare to launch them into adulthood.