Family Ministries

One of our core values of Emmanuel is being an intergenerational family. We not only provide programs for kids throughout the week, but strive to walk alongside families at all their stages of life.

Family Faith Foundations

We partner with families to help raise resilient, flourishing followers of Jesus. We aim to do this by providing environments where they can develop foundational relationships, beliefs, values, and practices.

Find out more here
Kids Ministry on Sundays
Where do kids go on a Sunday morning? We have something for infants all the way to grade 5.
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Drop-in Community

Sometimes a new parent just wants to find other people to talk with amidst the hectic schedule of looking after their children. If that’s you, stop by on Thursdays (9:30-11:30am) in our gym. A casual environment with activities for the kids as well as a great way to meet other caregivers who know what you’re going through. This program runs from September to June.

Mid Week Connection

A program specifically for Grades 3-5, which runs Thursday nights from 6:30-7:45. We focus on building relationship and life-skills, providing a safe place for kids to have fun, learn about themselves and learn about God!


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